Professional Development Credit: Learning While Serving
One of the benefits of serving on your area's 13-55 Implementation Team as a faculty or classified member is deepening your own learning about diversity, equity and inclusion as well as your understanding of the many programs and service areas at Foothill. That is, in addition to being a valuable service to the college, it also doubles as professional development for you. This benefit can help full-time faculty and staff complete up to 45 hours towards their PGA requirements for advancement on their salary schedule.
Because unfortunately they do not benefit from FHDA's PGA/PAA program, part-time faculty are able to receive compensation in accordance with Appendix G of the Faculty Agreement, in lieu of PGA credit.
The process for earning credit for learning while serving is the same whether you're staff, part time faculty, or full time faculty. Whenever you spend time on 13-55 IT service, take a brief moment to complete this DEI Time on Task Smartsheet
Links to an external site. form afterwards. The Smartsheet will keep track of all your time for you (yay!) At the end of the year, full time faculty and staff will receive a certificate reflecting up to 45 hours of service learning. Part-time faculty stipends will be processed and paid at the end of each quarter.
Alternatively, fill it out and submit the form below:
The embedded form will reset each time you refresh the page.
Estimated Time Requirements
We estimate 13-55 Implementation Team members will attend nine monthly 1-1/2 hour meetings during the regular academic year. Additionally, we anticipate that team members will spend one to three hours each month preparing for meetings, meeting with division/department stakeholders, attending drop-in sessions with Institutional Research & Planning, and/or consulting with the Office of Equity.
Time Required Monthly |
Number of Months | Total Hours | |
Monthly Meeting | 1.5 hours | 9 | 13.5 hours |
Meeting Prep | 1 hour | 9 | 9 hours |
Meeting with Constituents | 1-2 hours | 9 | 9-18 hours |
Total Hours in 22-23 | 31.5-40.5 |