Course Syllabus

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  GID 55: UI/UX Design  

Instructor: Carolyn Brown

Text/voice: (415) 997-9270  


Connect with me on pronto icon Pronto 

Drop-in help: Sunday 7-9PM

Course location: online   

Course Description: Design and develop successful user experiences (UI/UX) for mobile devices. Identify users and analyze their needs and behaviors. Organize content, create pathways, design media, and produce reusable elements. Appreciate the significance of branding. Conduct usability testing and collect data. Design iterations based on data findings. Explore issues in mobile design for multiple devices. Develop proficiency with professional software for mobile development. 

  Student Learning Outcomes  

A successful student identifies elements of UI/UX design theory used in the design and creation of interactive experiences.

A successful student identifies elements of UI/UX design application used in the design and creation of interactive experiences.

A successful student will demonstrate technical and expressive fluency in industry-standard software applications.

  Course Objectives  

The student will be able to:

  1. Create prototypes of mobile, tablet and web user experience designs based on industry user experience design principles.
  2. Critique existing user experience designs.
  3. Design effective and useable mobile, tablet and web applications.
  4. Explain mobile, tablet and web application design decisions based on the solid user experience design principles.
  5. Use industry standard user experience design processes and tools for prototyping.

  Materials for this course  


You need Adobe Xd on your PC or Mac computer or you can use Adobe Xd in the Foothill College computer labs. 

You don't have to buy a textbook

  1. Instead of spending $$$ for a book, we will watch free videos.
  2. If you prefer a textbook, reach out and I'll set you up with a book.


Text/voice: (415) 997-9270  


Connect with me on pronto icon Pronto 

Drop-in help: Sunday 7-9PM


90% - 100% = A
87% - 90% = A-
84% - 87% = B+
75% - 84% = B
70% - 75% = C+
55% - 70% = C
0% - 50% = D

Dropping the class. Tap here and Use this form so you don't get a W grade 

  Students with Disabilities & other Resources  

If you have a learning disability or physical challenge, you are entitled to any assistance you need to achieve your academic goals. To contact the Disability Resource Center, you may:

  • Visit DRC in the Student Resource Center Building 5400
  • Email DRC
  • Call DRC at 650-949-7017 to make an appointment

Foothill College also offers these helpful services at

  Academic Honesty  

Do your own work. Do not copy from classmates, Google, or other sources. If you copy, you will get a zero for the assignment and I will review all of your assignments to see if they are copied. If you copy more than once you will fail the class.