Course Syllabus
Fundamentals of Finance: BUSI60.1w Online Syllabus
(CRN 21020)
Foothill College - 5 Units
Regular-Pace: 5 units = 15 hrs/week in a regular 12-wk class
S1. Instructor Information
REQUIRED MEETINGS: Once a week f2f and asynchronous activities and semi-compulsory meetings (zoom) online. CANVAS Online Platform Access: S2. Course DescriptionThis course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of financial analysis and applications to business challenges in valuation, risk analysis, corporate investment decisions, and basic security analysis and investment management. The four major sections of the course are: (A) an introduction to the financial system, financial statement analysis; (B) interest rates and valuing cash flows: time value of money; interest rates; valuation of stocks, bonds; (C) valuation of the firm: investment decision rules, fundamentals of capital budgeting, stock valuation (NPV); and (D) introduction to risk and return: risk and return; systemic risk; portfolio theory, CAPM, WACC. Prerequisite: NONE Advisories: Eligibility for MATH 105 and ENGL 110 or ESLL 125 or Equivalent; INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS, ECONOMICS and ACCOUNTING classes. Transfer Credit: CSU. S3. Student Learning Objectives and OutcomesLearning ObjectivesThe student will be able to:
Learning Outcomes
S4. Course Outline / TopicsNote: The order of topics are not necessarily in the same sequence as in the textbook. Refer to CLASS CALENDAR (below) for actual coverage sequence and deadlines. Class Calendar always controls all assignments and due dates. But briefly, the initial planned sequence will be:
Coverage of chapters in this class is not necessarily sequential, refer to class calendar for timing. * partial coverage *** not required but recommended to read for self interest and development. Note: Given our 6 or 12-week term, there is not enough time to cover all the chapters/topics in the book. I still want to expose you to the core concepts and calculations in certain chapters. In some cases, the topics require foundation in stats, econ, actg, and math that some in the class do not have. In such cases, we will cover certain chapters only lightly. For full coverage of all chapters/topics in the book, I recommend to take the corporate finance class at 4-yr colleges/universities. Coursework for 2022-2023 Academic Year *(course titles abbreviated)
*Refer to schedule for specific offerings each quarter For further information, refer to business program site: |
S5. Course Type, Canvas, and MyLabThis class is conducted fully online and requires the use of both Canvas and MyLab. Class Website (Canvas "Course Shell")The college uses Canvas as its online course management system. At this website, students will find the course materials organized and available for their download and use. Items such as the lecture PowerPoint slides, project handouts, announcements, and grades can be located in this course shell. Students can access the class website at and should check it regularly for any class announcements and documents. Refer to the Foothill Online Learning ( site to learn more about Canvas. Alternatively, you can refer to the Canvas Guide (online). ( preferences-in-canvas) For help with Canvas, refer to Foothill College's Help Desk for Canvas ( . Instructors are not a good source for help with respect to Canvas. Publisher Website (Pearson's MyBizLab, ML or MyLab)MyLab offers both the Textbook (eBook) and many other resources – such as practice quizzes, simulations, and videos. We use this as our test platform (e.g. midterms and final exams). All of these MyLab Resources can be accessed either:
S6. Textbook For this class, you will be using a digital textbook titled Better Business, 5th Edition, by Pearson PPC. You will also be using a companion website tool called MyBizLab (MyLab) that we will be using in class to manage some of your assignments, including the Final Exam. Please obtain access to the digital textbook and MyLab by the first or second day of class. Remember that everyone has access to the FREE 14-day temporary access option. So everyone can be registered and have access to MyLab and our textbook (eBook) which is accessible via MyLab.
The process for acquiring the materials for the class, including access to my lab that also houses the eBook, requires the following 2 STEPS A-B: A. REGISTERING into MYLAB via our Canvas course site - MyLab and Mastering link >> as needed, follow the DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS "A" instructions below: B. "UPGRADE" or BUYING FULL ACCESS to maintain access to your MyLab account and our Texbook (eBook). IMPORTANT: For DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS for each of the Steps shown above, to to MODULE 0, under ALTERNATE INSTRUCTIONS C1B. Please obtain access to the digital text book and MyLab asap. The 14-Day temporary access option means that everyone will be on MyLab by today. It takes 10 min. ANNOUNCEMENT (duplicate of) Regarding TextbookThis Access Code will allow you to enroll in MyLab Mastering (MLM) to view the e-text and to complete the homework assignments. I recommend watching this video that walks you through the registration process:
Q&A How and where is the ACCESS CODE given used to purchase the book and MyLab ACCESS.
3. LOGIN into or CREATE a PEARSON ACCOUNT. The Subsequent Page will look as follows:
4. Get ACCESS to MyLab and the eBook. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ACCESS to MYLAB and eBook by today at latest. NOTE: 3-STEP PROCESS to GAIN ACCESS STEP 1. Before implementing Step 1, refer to STEP 2. If you meet the conditions in that STEP 2, SKIP to STEP 2, DISREGARDING STEP 1. If you DO NOT satisfy STEP 2, then for STEP 1 >> CLICK on the "GET TEMPORARY ACCESS WITHOUT PAYMENT FOR 14 DAYS" link at the bottom of the page (shown on the screenshot above). STEP 2. if you already have an ACCESS CODE, ENTER it into the field ACCESS CODE (click on the corresponding button - refer to the preceding screenshot above) -- doing so will give you FULL USE of MyLab and eBOOK. You are set for the rest of the quarter. SKIP Step 3. STEP 3. If you do not yet have an ACCESS CODE, you can PURCHASE IT right on the 2nd button to the right, labeled by the amount of the textbook/MyLab access "bundle," directly from Pearson (no need to buy it from our college bookstore, UNLESS you are relying on financial aid to purchase the book. In that case, buy it from the bookstore). C. If you need more time to decide to PURCHASE the materials for this class, This means that ABSOLUTELY Everyone in the class can get ACCESS to our textbook (ebook inside of mylab) AND the MyLab tools themselves by TODAY WED at the latest. . Below are additional resources to help you regisster and navigate MyLab: Student Support: AskPEARSON: Help for Students: GET STARTED PAGE: FOLLET ACCESS CODE PROCESS: S7. Course CommunicationAnnouncementsAnnouncements will be posted in CANVAS on a regular basis. They will appear on your CANVAS dashboard when you log in and/or will be sent to you directly through your preferred method of notification from CANVAS (see screenshot below). Please make certain to check them regularly, as they will contain any important information about upcoming projects, changes to the class/syllabus, or class concerns. You set your notification preferences here >>> In this course, we will use the INBOX feature for private messages. Please do NOT use EMAIL. QuestionsIn online courses, it is normal to have many questions about things that relate to the course, such as clarification about assignments, course materials, or assessments. Please post these in my Virtual Office Hours Discussion which you can access by clicking the MODULES button in the course navigation links. This Discussion is in the ORIENTATION MODULE. This is an open discussion, and you are encouraged to give answers and help each other. If those discussions are not appropriate for your question, please use the INBOX in Canvas (do not use email). Discussion Forums Discussion Forums are a way for you to engage with each other about the course content. Each lesson module/discussion will show questions that relate to your reading. I may also embed other types of discussions (e.g. Voicethreads). If that is the case, I will announce them via ANNOUNCEMENTS, early in the quarter. In order to get full credit for each discussion, you will need to post a substantive question or response to the question to your classmates’ questions/comments. Virtual Office Hours Use your INBOX to ask me private questions regarding the class or private questions about your work, grade, etc. You can also use the VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS thread in DISCUSSIONS to ask public questions that relate to the class. Turnaround/Feedback IN DISCUSSION THREADS: During the week (M-F), once a day IN INBOX: During the week (M-F), 2-3 times a day
Netiquette: When posting on the discussion boards and chat rooms it is important to understand how to interact with one another online, netiquette. You can read more about the rules of netiquette at to an external site.. Netiquette When posting on the discussion boards and chat rooms it is important to understand how to interact with one another online, netiquette. You can read more about the rules of netiquette at S8. Course Assignments and Due Dates Important DatesI refer to Assignments that are to be submitted via MyLab (MAL) or Canvas as DELIVERABLES. Deliverables are due as shown in the CLASS CALENDAR. The due dates for your assignments can be found in the SYLLABUS-CLASS CALENDAR. Please review the dates to make sure your schedule agrees. Any changes to the class calendar due dates will be posted as Announcements. NOTE: No late assignments will be accepted, but in special circumstances, exceptions may be made. If late assignments are accepted, normally a % penalty will be applied (e.g. 10% per day late, but arranged on a case by case basis). >> The Class Calendar in syllabus CONTROLS on the left-hand-side navigation panel and supersedes all due dates elsewhere (e.g. MAL, Canvas Calendar, Canvas Course Summary etc.), unless otherwise announced. <<
Link to Google-doc: Grading Scheme - Busi 60 (same as the table below)
Note: use your low score drops strategically for issues related to technology glitches, illness, incidents, etc.
Grades You can view your grades using the GRADES button in the course navigation links. Please check your grades regularly to make certain that I have received all your assignments. If you have a question about a grade, email me through the CANVAS INBOX. Please do not post your personal concerns in a discussion forum. |
Please take note of the following course guidelines:
a. Completing work in the manner assigned (individually or in a group). b. Ensuring the work you submit reflects your own original thinking and effort. c. Respecting classmates and the classroom environment. d. Adhering to the standards of ethical behavior and academic integrity set out in the Mission College catalog and related documents. Failure to behave ethically and professionally may result in any or all of the following: no credit for specific assignments, being dropped from the class, referral to the Vice President of Student Services for further disciplinary action. Drop / Withdrawal In order to avoid getting an F for the course, it is your responsibility to officially withdraw from the class prior to the deadline. If you do not actively participate in class, that is, if you consistently do not complete assignments, assessments (reading checks, homework), respond to forums or turn in other work for the total of 1 week's worth of assignments, you will be dropped from the class for non-participation. Note that you can DROP (without a "W") or WITHDRAW (with "W") by certain deadlines. Check the college website for specific dates. If you do not withdraw properly/officially from the class via your portal or in person, you will receive whatever grade you earned (usually not a good grade). It is fully your responsibility to drop/withdraw from the class. After the withdrawal deadline passes, instructors do not have the ability to drop you from the class. S11. Additional Resources: Tutoring and Other ResourcesTutoring Services The school offers free accounting tutoring to all enrolled students. Please visit the school’s. STEM Center in the 4200 Building. Refer to the Stem Success Center Webpage for more information. Open Hours:
Teaching and Learning Center (computer lab) If you do not have access to a computer off campus, the college offers free access to computers Teaching and Learning Center (located behind the library), Bldg 3600. Computer Requirements You will need to have an up-to-date browser, operating system and some additional software on your computer to take this class. Check this Distance Education page for hardware & software requirements. Some of the documents in this course will be available to you in PDF form. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer, you can download it by going to We will also be using google-docs and google-spreadsheets, selectively. You may want to get familiar google-docs (if not already) and even get a google-drive (free) to create, store, and share documents. Transfer /Career Center Taking classes is just the first step in your academic lives, to learn about the next step –transferring to a university or job placement, please visit the school’s Transfer Center in the at the Students Services Building, Third Floor, Room 8329. Tech Support and Distance Education help If you need technical assistance at any time, you can contact the college's Foothill Global Access Program, refer to their webpage at: Student Services There are many services on campus to help you achieve success in your courses. Check out this Current Students Webpage for more information. S12. Class CalendarWhile I will try diligently to follow this schedule, I reserve the right to amend this schedule at any time during the course based on the needs, interests and progress of the class, and students are responsible for changes announced in CANVAS.
S13. Important Notes*Team Work (if applicable): Primarily for the Project, however, you can team up with classmates for Reading Check’s and HW’s. No Team work on Exams or as otherwise announced. ______________________________________________________________________________ Note on Class Calendar: The class calendar controls the timing, submission location, and other logistics for the graded components. The class calendar also lists the assigned hw items. The class calendar overrides any due dates shown in any other part of the class. ______________________________________________________________________________ Note on Point-System: The point system above works well most of the time, in capturing the true performance of students. Sometimes, however, it does not. In such cases, I reserve the right to adjust your scores, based on my judgment, to reflect what we believe is an appropriate final grade – one that represents to 4-yr schools and potential employers your true learning from this class. ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE on “bump-ups” to final grade: NO “bump-ups” to the next grade level will be made without evidence that supports such an action on my part – no matter how close you are to the next grade level. Support for “bump-up” purposes is appropriate performance on final exam and exceptional class participation (substantive, non-trivial postings in chapter discussion forums) beyond any minimum required. “Exceptional” participation would probably fall in the range of 3 postings or more per chapter per week or approximately a minimum total postings of 36 (or more, depending on substance of your postings - my judgment).
S14. Declaration Statement, Responsibilities, and PhilosophyBy staying in the class, you agree to the terms of this class and the related requirements. If after the class has started, changes to the class syllabus occur, they will be announced for your comments and feedback, before they become effective. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A STUDENT Enrolling in this online course is a COMMITMENT. It is your obligation to manage your commitments responsibly. Please make sure that you can fully meet the responsibilities of this course before you commit to enrolling in the course. If you are unable to fully meet these requirements, please consider not enrolling in this course this term. Sometimes, we are too busy already and may overcommit. By enrolling in this class, you agree:
NOTE: Stay active in class: By State Law, students who are “inactive” in an online class are subject to being dropped from the class by the end of the 8th week (about 4th week of summer session) of the quarter (REFER to college website for specific dates and deadlines). Inactivity is defined as not attend (log into CANVAS) or not submission of assignments for 7 consecutive days. CLASS PHILOSOPHY This class is a community. We all have the same objective: TO LEARN - in addition, mine is to certify that the grade YOU EARN represents your true learning, as accurately as possible. Employers, transfer institutions, and the community expects us to measure your learning honestly. To do so, in this class we will engage in multiple approaches to learning (and sharing knowledge) including cooperative learning (interacting with each other to maximize learning opportunities), active learning (active engagement in discrete learning activities like reading, problem-solving and discussion), and experiential learning (“learning by doing”). This class also places great emphasis on teamwork and active communication in class; as you enter (or return to) the business world, you will realize that being able to productively work in teams and clearly communicate with others are “worth their weight in gold.”
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |