Exam 2
- Due No due date
- Points 100
- Questions 46
- Time Limit None
Directions: Each of the following questions should be answered appropriately. Use whatever resources you deem appropriate, although referring to course materials and a basic reference textbook should be sufficient. Do not discuss the questions with other people. Please contact me if you need clarification on a question. You must work alone on this exam. You will be given 48 hours to complete this exam. Please plan accordingly. No late exams will be accepted.
Tuesday Lab: You will have from 5 pm on Tuesday, November 16th to 5 pm Thursday, November 18th to complete the exam. Please make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the exam. Starting the exam at 4 pm on Thursday might not give you enough time. Give yourself at least 1 to 2 hours to complete the exam.
Thursday Lab: You will have from 9 am on Tuesday, November 16th to 9 am Thursday, November 18th to complete the exam. Please make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the exam. Starting the exam at 8 am on Thursday might not give you enough time. Give yourself at least 1 to 2 hours to complete the exam.